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4 Tips to Help You Develop an Annual Mobile Promotions Calendar

How many times have you thought about putting together a new mobile promotion but couldn’t do it until the last minute?

Have you watched another company take advantage of a mobile or promotional trend and wished your company had thought of it first? You may have missed a few opportunities in the past, but there’s still hope! You have a chance to turn things around.

Don’t let your marketing fall behind. Now, is the time to plan next year’s promotions. To help you get started ASAP, here are 4 tips to help you develop an annual mobile promotions calendar:

Seasonal Promotions

Running seasonal promotions is the best way to take full advantage of the sales boost your business may get at that time.

What are the high and low times of the year for your business? Are there consistent patterns in sales and traffic to your business that coincide with certain months of the year?

Plan your promotions so they coincide with these seasonal variations. This can help you maximize sales during your best months and help you get over the periods when sales slow down.


Christmas, Black Friday, Mother’s Day… nearly every business runs promotions during major holidays.

However, doing promotions for obscure or industry holidays can set you apart from the competition. If you’re looking for some ideas, you can find a list of bizarre, wacky, and unique holidays for 2017 here.

Some highlights from the list include:

Since fewer companies run promotions for these holidays, you’ll get the opportunity to explain what the holiday is about and how your customers can celebrate it with your promotion!


If your company regularly hosts product launch events or attends industry conferences, come up with creative ways to incorporate mobile promotion ideas into these events.

By offering a positive way for your fans to increase participation with your brand, you can get them to share your promotion and attract even more attention to your event.

Do Something Creative

When you plan your mobile promotions in advance by creating an annual promotions calendar, you’ll have plenty of time to allow your creative juices to flow! Think of ways to make your promotions fun and exciting (perhaps, by offering amazing prizes or tying in recent trends).

Ready to set up your text-to-win campaigns for 2017? Reserve Your Sweepkey now to get started in 10 minutes or less.